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History of the Book of Revelation

The Revelation of Jesus Christ is the very last book of the Bible. Just as Genesis is the first book of the Bible and the beginning, Revelation is no wonder placed as the last book of the Bible and the revealing of the ending. The name revelation means "unveiling" or "disclosure". In it's 22 chapters, we are foretold what God is about to unveil. This book was authored by the apostle John during his exile on Patmos island by the Roman authorities who showed hostility to Christians. The Greek title for this book is Apokalypsis Ioannou which translates "Revelation of John". This is where the term Apocalypse stems from. Revelation is divided into 4 sections. It starts out with an Introduction of the things which have been seen. It then tells of the "things which are" in the letters to the seven churches of Asia. The third section tells of the things which will take place in the visions of the end times and of the new heaven and new earth. It concludes with the assurance of Jesus' return and the final judgment of all. There are seven Churches of the Apocalypse and to each one there is a message that includes their achievements, their faults, instructions to become what they need to become and the promise to them if they obey the instructions.

After the seven churches, you will find details about the Throne of God and His sealed book. The tribulation is then foretold about which includes the seven seals of judgment, the seven trumpets announcing judgment, the seven signs and characters before the final judgment, and the seven bowls of judgment. Right after the unveiling of the tribulation, John pens the prophecies of Jesus' second coming, of the millennium and of the New Heaven and New Earth. The book of Revelation then concludes with a final benediction in the last section or chapter. Read this book and find out what our future is.
If you don't know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, the time is drawing near to His return. Please choose eternal life for yourself by asking Jesus Christ into your heart and asking Him to forgive your sins. If you pray,( Dear Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner. I believe You died and rose again for my sins on Calvary. Please forgive me of all my sins, as I forgive those who sin against me. Please come into my life and be the Lord of my life from this day forward. I love you Lord Jesus and thank You for making a way to have eternal life. I know the only way to the Father is through You so I ask You to please be my Lord and confess me before Your Father Who art in Heaven. Thank You Jesus and in Your Holy Name I pray, Amen) you can have eternal Life in the New Heaven and the New Earth to come! If you prayed that prayer Congratulations! The angels are rejoicing and we are too! Please e-mail us and let us know.